Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Personality Traits Of A Nurse - 1725 Words

Ever since I was a young child I have wanted to be a nurse. The older I have gotten, the feeling of wanting to be a nurse has only gotten stronger. When I began to work in a hospital and was constantly surrounded by nurses, I was often asked what type of nurse I would want to be. This was a question that I had never had a definite answer for, as I had always just known that I wanted to be a nurse. In completing this career research report I have been able to explore multiple careers that I may be interested in in the nursing field. I have learned the importance of looking into what personality traits would be required for a job that I would be interested in and comparing those personality traits to traits that I already possess. I†¦show more content†¦The minimum schooling requirement for a nursing program is a bachelor s degree in both education and nursing. The duties of a nursing professor would be to plan lessons, teach students, and supervise students while they w ere working in a clinical setting. Nursing professors often are required to work long hours due to the fact that they have to accompany nursing students while the students complete their clinical hours (â€Å"Nursing Instructors†). Nursing professors earn a much higher salary than a typical teacher but less money than a nurse. The average pay is around $60,000 dollars a year. The outlook for this job is a 14 percent growth in the next 10 years, which is a much higher growth rate than most other jobs (â€Å"Nursing Professor†). The typical workplace environment for people with this job would be on a college campus and in a hospital setting. While it is possible to work as both a nursing professor and a nurse at the same time, many nursing professors report that they spend all of their spare time planning lessons for their student and grading their students assignments (â€Å"Nursing Instructors†). Something that surprised me about this job is that on top of teaching classes, nursing professors also have to attend their student’s clinicals. Prior to doing this career report I assumed that students would either go to their clinicals alone and have a manager report to their teacher or that their would be a different person inShow MoreRelatedCareer Goals For Registered Nurses851 Words   |  4 PagesOutlining Your Career Goals Registered nurses work alongside physicians providing patient care in a variety of ways. 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