Thursday, January 2, 2020

Sophocles The Golden Age - 1864 Words

Sophocles was born about 496 BC in Colonus Hippius which is now a part of Athens, Greece, he was to become one of the great playwrights of the golden age. Sophocles was the son of Laius and Jocasta, both wealthy in the city that Sophocles grew up in. Luckily, He was the son of a wealthy merchant, he would enjoy all the perks of a successful Greek empire. Sophocles was provided with the best education which would help him in many ways in the future of his life. He studied the arts. By sixteen, he was already known around the city for his contribution to lead a choir of boys at a celebration of the victory of Salamis in a battle they had been fighting. Years later, he defeated Aeschylus, who was known to be a play writer also dealing with tragedies and other various kinds of plays that he wrote in his time. In 441 BC Sophocles was beaten in an Athenian play competition by Euripides. From 468 BC, however, Sophocles won many awards for his dramas and was noticed for his playwriting mind. Sadly, Sophocles life ended near 406 BC at about the age of 90 which was about the time Athens was in the golden age of plays and writings. Although, Sophocles wasn’t in politics or militarily, he was still elected twice to be in high military office. People would remember his contribution to the city and what he has done to change the way of the theatre. Sophocles wrote more than 100 plays of which seven complete tragedies and fragments of 80 or 90 others are preserved. He was the first toShow MoreRelatedThe Classical Tragedy Of Sophocles Oedipus The King950 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Greece’s Golden Age introduced many excellent playwrights, all of whom contributed to the success of Greek Literature† ( Playwrights of the Golden Age). Sophocles, the author of the classic tragedy, Oedipus the King, was one of the three best play writers during that time frame. 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