Monday, December 16, 2019

Heroes Essay - 957 Words

Heroes Essay The question remains: who is worthy to be called a hero? I have seen many people who deserve the title of a hero for many bold actions. Sure, they do not wear legendary costumes, drive bat-mobiles or possess superhuman abilities. Of course, there is much more to a hero than just what is visible to the eye. As a matter of fact, it is all about what is on the inside—the qualities and behavior fixed in a mentality. That is why self-obsessed people do not make it on the list of heroes since their mind tends to think only about one’s self. In today’s era, the people who are marked as heroes are acknowledged because they achieved something for the good of others. Looking back to an earlier time in my life, I cannot remember a time†¦show more content†¦In my eyes, foster parents are heroes. If taking children under their custody and providing them with care, shelter, love, security, and a sense of well-being is not heroism; then, I don’t kno w what is. They devote their time raising these children, even though they are not theirs biologically. Making matters worse, several children come from broken homes, complicating the parents’ duty even more. Yet the heroes prove themselves to be triumphant. Additionally, doctors and medical personnel are very important hero figures of today. With new medical provisions, doctors and technology team up to save lives and provide excellent care for disabled patients. Doctors sacrifice their time to help others in many ways. Without them, our nation’s death rates would be extremely high. Their loyalty, determination and courage are priceless motivations which keep them going. In the same way, we must not forget soldiers who risk their lives while sacrificing their own. In addition to that, they stay loyal to their country, never giving up—even when danger is an all time high. One thing is for sure, it does not take someone legendary to change the world. One of the p eople to change my world is my mother. She is the most outstanding, loving, gentle and caring woman. Even though times were tough, she never gave into despair. My mom’s happiness was torn from her hands by another woman who came in between her and her husband. My dad left shortly after I was born, leavingShow MoreRelatedRomantic Heroes Essay808 Words   |  4 PagesLongfellow gives is so precise, that it can cause a reader to question Hawthornes, another Romantics character, Young Goodman Brown, as an actual romantic hero. In both Excelsior and A Psalm of Life, Longfellow creates the two different Romantic heroes with specific inner lights. Although the two different characters have separate goals, both their jobs reject materialism and general policies. In Excelsior, for instance, the youth, who bore mid snow and ice, a banner with a strange device,Read MoreCultural Heroes Essay1029 Words   |  5 Pagesreality. 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